Ryoichiro Kobayashi

Ryoichiro Kobayashi, Ph.D. in Linguistics

Associate professor, Tokyo University of Agriculture

Visiting researcher, SOLIFIC, Sophia University

Email: ryoichiro.k[at]eagle.sophia.ac.jp


Mizutani, Kenta and Ryoichiro Kobayashi. 2024. Head movement does not necessarily affect scopal relations: Arguments from Syntax and Semantics. (Workshop: Ellipsis and head movement at the Syntax-Semantics-Pragmatics crossroad: Japanese and beyond.) The 169th meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan (LSJ), International Christian University, June 30th. [website] (refereed) (Talk)

小林亮一朗. 2024. 空付加詞の解釈とスルーシング:Adjunct Ellipsis の可能性について.(ワークショップ:GrammarXivを活用した新しい研究発表のあり方を探る:付加詞をめぐる諸問題を例に) 関西言語学会, 第49回大会, 関西学院大学. 6月8日. [website] (査読有り)

Kobayashi, Ryoichiro. 2024. Phi-agreement and the Raising-to-Object constructions in English and Japanese. The 17th English Linguistic Society of Japan (ELSJ) International Spring Forum, Kyoto University, May 25th. [website] (refereed) (Talk)